Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Vulnerability from an unlikely source...

Here is one of those moments I've been thinking about in my head for a week and decided to write it down.  Perhaps someone else will benefit.

I went in last week for a massage, something I do not do regularly.  At first I was quite excited, I was looking forward to some quiet time to myself, a chance to unwind and hopefully have some aches and pains worked out if at least for a short while. 

As I was getting ready I got suddenly shy.  I thought, "O.K., I know this person isn't going to "see" anything, the therapist is another woman and I'm only here for 80 minutes so what is the big deal?"  I felt like I had a whispering in my ear and believe it or not I think it was God trying to use this as a teachable moment.  What really did I have to fear?  Nothing at that moment in time.  A stretch you say?  From a massage to a Jesus moment?  Well yes, and for a mother of five small children, I'll take what I can get!  Silence isn't usually golden in my home and if there is silence it means someone is up to something. 

So there I was receiving a wonderful, much needed massage, being reminded I am sore and out of shape (working on that), and thinking about how we make ourselves vulnerable to others and other situations, but we will not give ourselves over to God.  We will not expose our fears and hurts to the one who can help us the most!  I am a person who likes to plan, not strict, but I do like a some structure and I have difficulty just letting my need to "control" the situation go.  However, when I "let go and let God" take the reigns, I have been blessed unexpectedly and beautifully.  I am often graced by my children's ability to teach me about charity, love, patience and quite frankly how doing the little things matter so much. 

So the next time you are in a situation as simple (and maybe as silly) as getting a massage, listen.  God may just be trying to tell you something when you least expect it. 



1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a beautiful blog, and what a beautiful post about trusting (and becoming vulnerable) to God, Stella! I am looking forward to many more of your beautiful thoughts to come! ;)

