After a rather emotionally tumultuous yesterday afternoon, I rediscovered my courage and realized I have met and witnessed courage in many forms over the last few weeks. The obvious being the firefighters and first responders right here in Colorado risking their lives so other lives, homes and property can be saved. Truly amazing and inspiring.
There are other types of courage though. I have met Moms preserving to breastfeed their babies while out in public against admonishing glares, parents trying to overcome the heartache they feel when their child is diagnosed with a disability or illness. I have met single moms who are trying to provide a secure, loving environment for their child amidst tumult and distress. I know people who are (and have) battled cancer, lost everything in a fire, lost their minds (literally) and are in financial distress. What all these people have in common is their courage to keep going, to get up every day, to put others before themselves and most importantly do all this loving God and doing their best to Serve God.
It is my opinion that we are living in very troubling times and I often fear for my children, what their future will be like. Then I remember that if I do my best (together with my husband) then the rest is up to God. If we teach our children to be followers of Christ, they will get through whatever hardships they encounter and ultimately be closer to Christ. That is my wish for my children; to serve God lovingly, willingly without wavering and to be home with Him in Heaven one day.
I'd like to leave you with this prayer:
"O my Jesus, the Cross is
Your standard; I should be ashamed to ask to be delivered from it.
From one evil only I ardently beg You to preserve me: from any
deliberate sin, however slight. O Lord, I beg You by the merits of Your
Sacred Passion to keep all sin far from me. But as for other
evils--bodily or spiritual sufferings, physical pain or mental
anguish--I beg Your light and strength: light
to understand the hidden meaning which they have in the plans of Your
divine Providence, light to believe firmly that every sorrow or trial,
every pain or disappointment, is planned by You for my greater good;
strength not to let myself be influenced by the false maxims of the
world or led astray by the vain mirage of earthly happiness, strength to
accept suffering of any kind with courage and love." ~Divine Intimacy
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