Thursday, October 15, 2015


Recently I've been pondering the action and meaning of forgiveness.  With all the nastiness we are bombarded with daily on social media including various news outlets, it would appear there is not a lot of it (forgiveness that is), going around.  Life is hard for many nowadays in some fashion or another.  However, no one ever guaranteed this life would be easy or even pleasant, yet I've met those among us that radiate joy and love, even a midst pain and suffering, deep in some cases.

So what does it mean to forgive?  Well of course the best and most obvious example for us would be to look at Jesus.  However for us here on earth I've noticed that people hold on to hurt, even the most trivial and think of Jesus as a convenient afterthought to their trials.
So what does it mean to forgive?  How?  I'm no theologian but I do believe to start, prayer is in order, (or whatever you need to do to find some solace if you're not the praying sort), and start with forgiving yourself and make an effort to do better.  Then evaluate why you're holding onto whatever or whoever it is that is hurting you.  Was it an action?  Words? Incident? Why does it still bother you? Confront the hurt and maybe even the person (calmly).  Yes, this is a work in progress for me.

I've had my share of hurts and what I've learned is that forgiveness doesn't happen overnight and then suddenly everything is great.  Forgiveness comes through prayer and the daily choice of not giving in to hatred, revenge, despair and silence.  Talk to someone, pray and make a conscience effort to find a way to forgive. Joy comes when you realize that you are actually set free from the pain of hate and sadness once you truly forgive.  This doesn't mean you have to have tea and cakes with who hurt you.  However, truly letting go of past hurts can bring a peace that is otherwise hidden from us.  
This is not easy.  For some situations, it is darn right excruciating because being mad and hurt seems so much easier then letting go.
I'm trying to raise my kids to aspire to be saints, in other words to follow Christ and to have the courage to do so.  This includes forgiving those who hurt them and instead, praying for the ones who do the hurting.  What kind of parent would I be if I did not lead by example?  Do I fail in this?  Of course and then I pray they forgive me and help me to do better.  Most importantly I seek forgiveness from God and teach my kids to do the same.  What a peace I find when I do this and in turn joy can enter in.

May you find experience the peace and joy of forgiveness.


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