Monday, October 10, 2016

The Last Night

Tonight, October 10, 2016 is the last night I and my family will sleep in the house we’ve lived in for the last twelve years.  It is a bittersweet moment to realize all our hard work and perseverance to sell our home has paid off, and yet there is the hint of sadness as we close this chapter of our lives.  My kids are excited and dare I say - ready - to move on to a new adventure, the big kids especially.  The two little shamrock girls are having a little more difficulty.  This is all they've known and my littlest two shamrocks were born in this house.  Honestly, I've been so busy I really haven't had time to stop and reflect.  There is still work to do, but the last major push to empty the house is here and truly, there isn't much left to do.

For the most part I try not to get too attached emotionally to “things” and a house is that, what makes it a home are the people in it and of course the invitation to allow God to reside there as well.  So our old house was definitely home but as families do at some time or another, we outgrew it both in physical and emotional capacity.  God has led us on this journey and providing solutions to problems as we go along.  The interesting result of our house-selling-buying experience is how it has taught us to rely on God and God alone.  An important reminder in these precarious times.

The process certainly hasn't been easy and there has been plenty of stress to go around, but I am personally at peace with our journey which in turn gives comfort to my kids.  God never promised us the easy way or even happiness, but there is joy, love, compassion, forgiveness and faith.  These carry us through the difficult times although sometimes finding our way to these things can be a challenge too.  When in doubt pray, pray, pray.  It is true.  Even the smallest prayer can open the door to hope.

So while I'm a little sad to leave our house, I have faith in God that He will lead us to the right path, even if it gets a little narrow and scetchy at times.  I have hope He will continue to put the the “right” people in our lives when we need them and I pray we can repay their kindness one day.  We look forward to making our new house (whenever that happens) a home where God, friends and love are welcome.

Please pray for us and I will do the same for you.  Prayer is powerful.

God Bless.


Momma Shamrock Shea


  1. Pray is so powerful. What a great reminder.

  2. Moving is so hard, no matter how many times a family does it! I hope the new house will be a home in no time.

    It was bittersweet for me to move out of our tiny place in OH (our 2nd home), because it was the first home that one of our kids had left handprints on the walls. ;)
