Special Needs Parenting

I have been the teacher (public school) and the sister (my brother) and parent (my sons & daughter) of learning disabled children.  I have a gifted child.  I have a child with Autism and SPD, another child with just SPD and another child with ADD.  It can be challenging and rewarding all at the same time.  I hope to offer my personal as well as professional experience to others offering fresh ideas, hope and support!

 I like to look at disabilities as a different way of learning rather than being debilitating, as a way to educate others that we are all loved and made very special in the eyes of our Creator.  There are amazing people in history (and current times) who have done spectacular things, using their gifts to make things better for all. 

So I encourage you to be compassionate of parents who are working with disabled children,  it is by no means an easy road, but it is as rewarding as it is frustrating and they deserve your prayers and compassion.

While I have my education and experience that helps me with my learning disabled children, I'm also their mom, and I'm their mom first.  Some days are just long, hard and exhausting.  Some days are amazing, rewarding and exciting.  All days are blessed because we are together. 

I hope to inspire other parents that you can do this.  You're not alone, you are loved and so are your families.    

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