Friday, February 17, 2017

Refiners Fire

Whew, it has been quite a week.  No, make that quite a few months, but that's another blog.  This week every member of my family has been sick with one thing or another and without the help of family members who came to help out, I don't know how I would've made it through.  I've learned through prayer and patience that God will work out the details.  I also have amazing family from all sides who have literally come to my rescue.

Details.  Have you ever prayed for something?  Wondered about a situation you or someone you know is in?  Maybe it's just wondering how you're going to get through the day.  Being responsible for the little souls God gives us is no easy task and yes, the days can be long, very long sometimes, but the years are short, too short as I am discovering.  I pray for my children, my family members, my friends and yes even for myself at times.  I am finally on the mend from 3 months of illness and not really knowing what the problem was until God put the right people in my life.  An amazing doctor, family members, counselor and friends.  Let me tell you people, the thyroid is crazy important and when it's not functioning properly it can turn your world upside down.  The details of who was in involved and where I was important and in my opinion a complete answer to prayer.  Truly amazing. 

Waiting.  However, it's not always easy for us to wait for those details and sometimes the hardest part is the waiting.  Once we knew what the problem was, I then had to wait and wait.  I had to wait for the medicine to kick in.  I had to wait for test results.  I had to wait for a lot of things and that was very difficult.  All I could do was pray and take one day at a time.  My husband has been an amazing support as well as so many of our family.  My kids have been troopers because when mom is not well, who is usually up and raring to go, that can be a difficult change.

Change.  I am finally to a point where I can see how God was changing me.  Nowhere has God ever said our lives are going to be easy.  Nor does He promise to take all pain and suffering away, but we don't have to go it alone.  We are never alone with God who gave His son for us.  Think on that.  My suffering is nothing compared to what Christ did for me.  My recent trials are nothing compared to many people I know or persecuted Christians across the world.  But I can still offer them up.  I can hand them over and in so doing, I have seen the blessings of this act.  My attitude is changing.  My reaction to trial and stress is changing (for the better), I still have days where I say hurtful things, or am not the best version of me I'd like to be.  But God will change us to be that best version of ourselves, the person He made us to be.

In January I made a commitment to pray every single day and it has mostly been a re-commitment to the Rosary.  With that, I have been trying to give all my trials to Jesus, laying them at His feet, giving them over for Him to do with what He will.  It is no easy task, but I have seen the rewards already.  Prayers offered for others have been answered.  Prayers of my own have been answered.  This is a daily commitment.  Instead of living in frustration, in despair, in anger or in anxiety, I am choosing to give those things to our Heavenly Father, offer them up for Him to do something good with them.  Do I always succeed at this?  No.  However, I keep trying.  This is the Refiner's Fire.  We come through the fire to be something more beautiful and holy.  So think of your trials, your pain, your suffering as a way to change for the better, to change into the best version of yourself.  The version God created you to be.  To be a light in this dark world.  Offer your cross for the sake of others.  Pray.  Forgive.  Inspire.  Love and know you are loved. 


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